July 12, 2024

Ammonia can cause fires and explosions

 Employees #1 and #2 were engaged in a turnaround operation at a fertilizer manufacturing plant. They were standing on a work platform at a height of approximately 20 ft, removing an 18 in. diameter manway cover on the east monoethylamine stripper in Ammonia Plant #2. The top manway cover on the east stripper had already been removed and they were using a #5 spline drive, #3913 air-operated impact wrench to open the bottom manway cover. They had removed all but one of the bolts when there was a sudden flash fire and explosion. Employee #1 suffered broken bones and suffered second-degree burns over 60 percent of his body. He was killed. Employee #2 suffered minor burns on his arms and legs. The source of ignition is not known. 



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