April 9, 2022


A mixture of synthesis gas and ammonia was released from an ammonia plant during the start-up process following a shutdown for maintenance. The release occurred from a high vent after ammonia had been allowed to collect in the vent system through a valve left open as a result of failure to tag the valve as out of service.
During the start-up, operators failed to control levels in the process, resulting in a high level alarm in an ammonia catchpot which led to a release of synthesis gas (as designed) into the vent system. However, as the vent system already contained ammonia, the gas mixture was forced out of the high vent. The wind direction took the gas cloud over an adjacent construction area on the same site resulting in fourteen
contract employees experiencing irritation and discomfort and later seeking medical attention. Six of these contractors were physically affected as a result of the exposure but nobody suffered serious or long-term injuries. The ammonia release dispersed and was not detected at neighbouring premises.
The incident was caused by a combination of factors including a failure of the tagging system and the failure to adequately control the catchpot level during start-up.
The tagging system for equipment which is out of service, has been reviewed to ensure during maintenance there is no unauthorised operation of equipment. Resource allocation has been reviewed to ensure that process control is secured and level indicators in the catchpot have been assessed to ensure accuracy for process control. Also, workers at the adjacent construction site will now carry gas respirators at all times and will be notified of any operating conditions, such as start-ups and shutdowns, with the potential to lead to releases of gas.

Source: Department of Minerals and Energy, Australia 

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