February 1, 2016

Handling of a cyclone with high wind speeds

I was recently talking to the Unit Head and Head-EHS of a large chemical company which had safely managed a cyclone of wind speeds upto 220 KPMH. They had warning about the cyclone and had planned very well, safely shutting down the plants ahead of the cyclone. Their lessons learnt are summarised as follows:
There is no greater safeguard than pre planning to the last detail before the cyclcone hits.
You must have alternate means of communication (radio) ready
Big trees should be avoided near OHC, Fire station, emergency control centres, main entrances etc as they may fall and block access.
Access to JCB's which can be used to clear pathways is necessary.
Remember every cyclone has an eye. Once the initial phase passes, there will be a calm when the eye passes, followed again by ferocious winds, when the rest of the cyclone passes through.
Insulation damage is inevitable and a plan to restart the plant with partial insulation should be discussed and a management of change done.

The unit managed the cyclone safely without a single injury. Hats off to them!

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