January 17, 2012

Learning from Buncefield

The Buncefield incident in 2005 was a wake up call for the industry. A lot of assumptions that were in vogue till then in QRA were overturned. Henry Troth has made a good presentation of the incident mentioning the following:
  • "Take a critical look at your Safeguards, your Prevention and Mitigation Layers – they may not be as effective as you need
  • Tanks should have overfill lines from HHH down to ground level to reduce splashing and vaporizing overflowing fuelTank 
  • Overfill Protection should be SIL rated and proven in use
  • Retrofit water curtains on closely spaced tanks
  • Fire Pump House should not be a source of ignition (classified area)
  • Store portable fire fighting equipment and foam in a ‘safe’ place -stationary equipment usually gets knocked out.
  • Remember – you must keep all Safeguards working as well as the SIS layer(s) – otherwise you are exposed
  • Is a spill all you need to worry about (what could possibly go wrong)?
  • Consider consequences carefully – What will you do if the unthinkable happens?"
Download the presentation from this link.

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