September 1, 2011

Earthquakes and Process Safety

The recent earthquake that hit the East coast of US has triggered a number of articles on the possibility of earthquakes in areas which are not normally earthquake prone. An article in the Economic Times mentions the following:
'Residents of the east coast of the United States generally think of themselves as safe from earthquakes. This feeling was given a jolt on August 23 when a 5.9-magnitude earthquake hit near the town Mineral in Virginia. Nobody died, but a nuclear reactor there shut down by itself as its electricity supply tripped. This nuclear plant was designed to withstand earthquakes of magnitude up to 6.2 on the Richter scale. The designers of the plant had thought that Virginia would not experience stronger earthquakes, but the tremor last week was uncomfortably close to the limit.
Central India, on the other hand, has a high degree of bulge from flexure due to stress built up from the Himalayas. Recent studies have discovered this stress as much as 1,000 km south of the Himalayas. The 1993 Latur earthquake had happened at a region of stress. This earthquake, measuring 6.4, had shocked seismologists as they had never expected an earthquake to happen there. The lessons of the recent spate of intraplate earthquakes are clear. A large portion of India lies in hazardous zones, a fact that is relevant to rapidly expanding nuclear power industry in India.
Given the ability of intraplate earthquakes to surprise, one should expect damaging earthquakes at many places in the country. Even southern cities are not entirely safe, although seismologists do not expect even moderate earthquakes to happen there. Many high-rise buildings are built without following any codes. Especially vulnerable are those on stilts and those built on or near dried lakes. The city of Bangalore is full of such buildings. So are several other cities in the country. Are we inching towards one of our worst natural disasters? "
Read the full article in this link.
A chemical plant that is not designed to the current earthquake resistance standards can be the cause of catastrophic accidents. There are large storage tanks containing highly hazardous materials in many plants and imagine the impact if their contents come out during an unanticipated earthquake!

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