May 3, 2011

Fukushima and Bhopal

I have been reading with interest the interest in nuclear safety in Indian nuclear reactors after the Fukushima incident. I was wondering that if Bhopal had happened today, would the implementation of laws improve? While the West has learned from Bhopal and implemented stringent laws,we in India are yet to focus clearly on chemical process safety management. With the chemical industry set to boom in the next decade, should we wait for another Bhopal to occur before actions are taken? The current focus on process safety in India is still largely on a reactive basis. While large organisations have proactively and voluntarily taken up PSM, it is the medium and small scale organisations that are not prepared. Many of these units handle highly hazardous chemicals. It is time that the large players in the Chemical Industry start a mentoring program free of cost to enable the small and medium scale players to improve process safety. It is good for the whole industry.

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