October 14, 2010

Stronger Safety after an incident!

A news article mentions the following:
"Incoming BP boss Bob Dudley has announced the creation of a new safety division along with a management reshuffle that includes the departure of Andy Inglis, the head of the oil firm's key exploration and production division.
The group said the safety division would have "sweeping powers" to oversee and audit the company's operations around the world with the safety and operational risk department having authority to intervene in all aspects of its technical activities.
The powerful organisation is designed to strengthen safety and risk management across the group, following the Gulf of Mexico disaster that caused the biggest oil spill in US history. It will be headed by Mark Bly and report directly to incoming chief executive Dudley, who replaces Tony Hayward on Friday.
Dudley said: "These are the first and most urgent steps in a programme I am putting in place to rebuild trust in BP – the trust of our customers, of governments, of our employees and of the world at large. That trust is vital to the restoration of shareholder value which has been so adversely affected by recent events.
"Our response to the incident needs to go beyond deepwater drilling. There are lessons for us relating to the way we operate, the way we organise our company and the way we manage risk."

It is good that BP is reorganizing its safety functions. But in many companies, I keep hearing from the existing safety department that line managers do not pay heed to what they say! Look inwards into your organization and see if you are listening to you existing safety managers! They will have a lot to tell you. In fact prior to the BP Texas refinery disaster, it is reported that the safety manager had put up a slide on the key risks in which he mentioned "BP Texas refinery kills someone in the next few months"!
Read the news article in this link

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