July 18, 2010

Cabon Monoxide - a deadly gas

A recent incident in the Durgapur steel plant highlights the danger of Carbon Monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is produced in ammonia, methanol plants, in refineries and in blast furnaces. Any improper combustion of fossil fuels will also lead to the generation of CO. CO binds with blood hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin. Carboxyhemoglobin cannot take part in normal oxygen transport, thus reducing the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Depending on levels and duration of exposure, symptoms may include headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, weakness,confusion, nausea, and even convulsions, eventual unconsciousness and death.Recently in the newspapers, there have been incidents of fatalities in cars where occupants have kept the AC running when the car was stationary. Leaks in the exhaust system allowed CO to enter the passenger cabin thus killing occupants. Read the report of the incident at the Durgapur steel plant in this link.

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