June 29, 2010

Gas blowing of pipelines - CSB's recommendations

In my earlier post, I was dead against the blowing of new pipelines with natural gas to clear debris as there is a potential for an explosion or fire to take place where the gas is vented. The CSB, after investigating the explosion in the Kleen energy power plant has made similar recommendations to OSHA and others. I am quoting from their report:
Promulgate regulations that address fuel gas safety for both construction and general industry. At a minimum:
a. Prohibit the release of flammable gas to the atmosphere for the purpose of cleaning fuel gas piping.
b. Prohibit flammable gas venting or purging indoors. Prohibit venting or purging outdoors where fuel gas may form a flammable atmosphere in the vicinity of workers and/or ignition sources.
c. Prohibit any work activity in areas where the concentration of flammable gas exceeds a fixed low percentage of the lower explosive limit (LEL) determined by appropriate combustible gas monitoring.
d. Require that companies develop flammable gas safety procedures and training that involves contractors, workers, and their representatives in decision-making.

Read the full report and recommendations in this link.

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