February 24, 2010

Process safety - Do not forget the human being in your design!

Some experts predict that in the future, there will not be any control rooms, but operators and managers individually wearing hi tech equipment like personalized visual displays and control units that will be networked and will be used to control plants. Whatever the future, one thing is sure - the human is going to be around! And continue to commit the same mistakes!! Some examples of design "googlies" are given below:
1. If you install an orifice plate to restrict flow as part of your design, be sure one day it will be removed.
2. If you install an instrument on top of a vessel or equipment and expect the operator to note down the reading, be sure that the reading one day will be noted without the operator going to the top.
3. If you design a tank for full pressure and not for vacuum, when there is a chance of vacuum formation, be sure that the tank will collapse one day due to vacuum.

If you forget to think like an operator, be sure your design will fail one day!!
This also raises another point. In the future is it possible to operate a plant that does not depend on human beings? Ultimately, there will have to be a human being who is looking after that technology and he can also make mistakes!

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