January 17, 2010

Are you thinking about implementing PSM?

Twelve years ago, when I was a Dy. General Manager (PSM) in a large organization in India implementing PSM, there were hardly a few industries in India that had heard about PSM.Later, when I became a PSM consultant to the Industry in 2001, I had to struggle a lot to create awareness about PSM.Today the awareness about PSM has tremendously increased. But I am afraid that if organizations are not careful, PSM also will go the way of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. In my opinion, the quality of certification audits for ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 has drastically reduced. PSM also should not go that way. To begin with, organizations must be careful when they get into PSM, because they need to know what they are getting into. Wherever I implement PSM, I first check whether the organization is ready - both from a cultural perspective and adequacy of technical competency for PSM. If these are lacking, the organization first needs to attack these issues. PSM is a never ending journey - the scope for continual improvement is immense. Technical competency is a big issue in PSM. Today I see some organizations that are operating hazardous plants who do not have the basic knowledge of chemical engineering principles and reaction chemistry! So, if you are thinking about implementing PSM in your organization, know what you are getting into!

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