
April 24, 2015

Chlorine gas leak incident in 1991

 A FEMA report about a chlorine gas release in 1991 (70 Mt of chlorine escaped) mentions the following:
"Chlorine release caused by leak of brine from heat exchanger mixing with liquefied gas. Mixture created corrosive acid which ate through pipes when product was transferred from storage tank.Leak increased as acid ate larger hole in pipe.
Plant employees believed they could contain the leak. Fire department notified by passer-by who was unsure of source. Response delayed until second call provided additional information. Further delay caused by long response distance and several possible sources to check for hazardous materials (Hazmat) release.
Firefighters and plant personnel overcome when chlorine cloud moved in unexpected direction.Command post had to be relocated three times to avoid moving cloud. Some residents exposed during evacuation; over 200 examined at hospitals; 30 admitted."

 Read about the incident in this link.

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