
September 17, 2014

Interaction with chemical engineering students

Today I gave a presentation on "Bhopal and it's relevance today -what young chemical engineers should know" to a group of 60 smart final year chemical engineering students in a leading university. My learnings from the interaction:
This generation of post bhopal chemical engineers are very curious to know what exactly happened at Bhopal and how they can use the learnings in their career in industry. If we do not pass on the relevance of the Bhopal disaster (and the learnings from Bhopal will remain relevant as long as the human being exists) to the present and future generations, we will continue to have major disasters in the Chemical industry. It would be nice if, during the students summer training in Industries, a topic on process safety is also mandatorily included.
The Management of Process safety should be taught as part of the core curriculum of undergrad chemical engineers. They will be the future decision makers in the industry.

I request Associations like the ICC and other chemical associations to take up the points mentioned above.
Also, every Responsible Care certified company may teach the lessons from Bhopal to chemical engineering students in at least three universities every year.

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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