
December 23, 2013

Laws of process safety

 And now for a bit of humour, I have coined some laws of process safety.....
  • Process safety performance is inversely proportional to the time a plant / maintenance manager spends in meetings!
  • The number of technical persons on the board of a chemical manufacturer is inversely proportional to the chance of a process safety incident occurring
  • The more voluminous your PSM program, the more likely a process safety incident would occur.
  • Managing process safety is no rocket science - it is look,listen and feel (look at what people are doing, listen to people and feel the pulse of the plant)
  • Runaway reactions always happen when the human is around!
  • Process safety management does not require six sigma, it requires stick sigma!

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"

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