October 11, 2017

How did lightning proof tank catch fire?


Lightning Protection for Storage Tanks - EUCI June 2012

Process Safety Management System Gaps survey -FINAL REMINDER

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.
For people who have already responded, thanks!

October 6, 2017

Process safety management gaps Survey- REMINDER

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.
For people who have already responded, thanks!

Explosion at Coal gasification area in a plant


There are great lessons to be learnt from the video of the explosion as well as the press conference that follows

October 2, 2017

Process Safety Management Gaps Survey

Dear Readers,
Many of you have an existing PSM system or are in an advanced stage of implementation. I am conducting a survey on Gaps you notice in your PSM system. The anonymous survey has 2 questions and will take 2 minutes and is available in this link
I request you to please take the survey. The survey closes on October 15th, 2017
Results will be posted in blog. Thank you for your cooperation.

October 1, 2017

Polythene cover on manway possibly causes fire

After the days jobs of partially unloading catalyst from a reactor was completed, contractors observed the weather was cloudy and covered the manhole opening with a polythene cover. Some time later a flash fire occurred inside the reactor, possibly due to residual vapours from remaining catalyst ignited by the static electricity generation from the polythene cover.

Contribute to the surviving victims of Bhopal by buying my book "Practical Process Safety Management"